Incoming Mail Server | mail.yourdomain.tld (ex: |
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) | mail.yourdomain.tld (ex: |
Incoming Port (IMAP) | 143 |
Incoming Port (POP) | 110 |
Outgoing Port (SMTP) | 1025, 587, 25 |
Username | Your full email address |
Password | Your password |
To add your hosted email address to your Android device please follow these steps:
Step 1.
On your Samsung device open your email application and select the tab at the top left corner of the page. Select Manage Accounts.
Step 2.
Enter your email address followed by the password for your email address. Select Manual Setup.
Step 3.
Choose either POP or IMAP.
Step 4.
Ensure your email (username) and password are entered correctly. Enter the server mail.yourdomain.tld followed by the port number (IMAP 143 or POP 110). Ensure that the Security Type isNone. You may enter Inbox in the IMAP Path Prefix. Click Next.
Step 5.
For the SMTP Outgoing mail server enter mail.yourdomain.tld followed by the port number (1025, 587 or 25). Ensure that the Security Type is None then check the box next to Require Sign-In. Enter your email address next to the username followed by the password for your email address. Click Next.
Step 6.
On the next screen you will be able to configure your preferred account settings. When you are done select Next. You will see a message stating that Your Account is Setup and Ready to Send and Receive Emails.
Step 7.
You will be presented with the option to give your account a name and enter your preferred display name. When you have finished click Done.
Your hosted email address has now been configured to your Samsung device.
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