What is a .APP Domain?
.APP is a more secure domain for apps. From games to news to education, .APP is the perfect home for your app.
Registration Term (years)
Registration Restrictions
None. These domains are available to Registrants from anywhere in the world.
Is Whois Privacy Available?
When Does .APP Launch?
General Availability begins on May 8th, 2018 at 12:00 PM EST. This period is open to all potential Registrants. You may place a Fast Pass order for your desired name if you do not qualify for the priority periods (Sunrise or Early Access). Please note, a Fast Pass is not a guaranteed registration. We will attempt to register the name as soon as the General Availability period starts, but other Registrants may be competing for the same domain names.
Other Items
Note that .APP is designed to be more secure, and, as such, HTTPS is required. In order for your new website to work properly, you’ll need to configure HTTPS. If you need an SSL certificate, you can add it in your Domain Manager by selecting Add beside Security (SSL).
Note: If this domain requires manual registration, our Customer Support team will reach out to you once registration has been completed. |
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